This last week, the Cloud Farm was a one of a kind Chica Brava affair! Between a birthday celebration, a double bachelorette party, old friends, new friends, and lots of water time, the term- super fun, would be an understatement. Absolutely epic is a more appropriate description, and anyone who witnessed us would testify to the fact that we were having a pretty ridiculously good time!

As you may have deduced from the title, a lovely lady named Alexis was one of the six ‘Bravians’, and her two good friends- Darragh and Melanie, both from New York, accompanied her on the trip. The trio came to Chica Brava to celebrate both the birthday and soon-to-be-married status of Alexis, but little did they know that they would also encounter new and amazing friends who were ready to simply celebrate life! Ceyda, former New Yorker but currently living in San Francisco, Suzanna from Boston, and Chelsea of Colorado made up the remainder of the ‘Bravian’ team! BRAVA they all were, spending every second possible in the ocean, regardless of the big swells that came in all week. To hear the first hand account of the festivities check out the interview with team Alexis!

Aside from surf and some unreal shaka shots ‘Team Alexis’ (yes, they brought shirts) and the rest of the ‘Bravians’ filled the waking hours with coffee scrubs by the pool, cake and piñata shenanigans, french braid exchanges, surf movie screenings, and amazing conversation about life, love and friendships. A special highlight was a joint Chica Brava bachelorette celebration for Alexis and Ashley (Chica Brava founder and owner), who got married this past Saturday! Congratulations, and cheers to life long love! Overall it was a week I will never forget, and I can’t imagine the ‘Bravians’ will either. Chica Brava patiently awaits your return ladies…and in the meantime we’ll try not to have too much fun!

Surf Instructor and Lead Host
Cloud Farm May 18-25, 2013